Javier Díaz Guinot

Auld Lang Syne (You´ll never walk alone)


Javier Díaz Guinot (Barcelona, Spain, 1955) has published, in Spanish, 3 books of poems with Alfredo Coduras, Cotidiano (Daily, 1978), Indicios de realidad (Signs of reality, 1979) and Cosas (Things, 1992), 2 with María Jesús Santos González, Jugando limpio (Playing fair, 1982) and Amnesia y vaivén (Blackout and swaying, 1988).

Himself alone, Ricco & Nelia (1980), Hombre sin nombre (Man with no name, 1981), Isabel - Private edition (1981), La caza y otros textos (The hunting and other texts, 1983), R&Roll Gig (1986), Granos de rock (Grams of Rock, 1992), Old Times Pub (1995), Voces ajenas (Other people's voices, 2015), Los signos sámatas (The Sarmatian Signs, 2015), El animal (The animal, 2016), Ricco & Nelia (corrected and updated version, 2018), 24 haiku y 1 tanka (24 haiku and 1 tanka, 2020), ... que un perro verde (...than a three headed dog, 2020) and 12 poemas del S. XXI - Edición privada (12 poems of the XXI century - Private edition, 2021)